Your guide to resilience | Free guide to build and stay resilient

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Your guide to building resilience

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Dr. Nikki Stamp10 August 2022|2 min read

A key part of resilience is your ability to adapt. Adapting means being able to make adjustments (physical, emotional, mental) based on changing information and circumstances. The more you are able to adapt, the more resilient you will be.

Resilience is not something that you have or don’t have. It can vary with time - some days or even years, you may feel like you’re more resilient than other times. Conversely, your resilience can be depleted or exhausted from time to time and this is very normal.

Building resilience

Resilience is something that we can develop, even when things are going well, to allow us to prepare for any future challenges. Discover our top tips to help you build and maintain your resilience, including:

  • What resilience is and isn’t
  • 5 ways to support you in building resilience
  • Resilience tips for kids and teens

Dr Nikki Stamp is an Australian-trained cardiothoracic surgeon and PhD candidate. She has a strong desire to change the way we think about health and is a passionate supporter of the Heart Foundation and women's heart disease advocacy. Nikki is a previous member of the healthylife Advisory Board.

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