5-minute self-care activities | healthylife

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5-minute self-care activities for days when you just can’t even

24 January 2022|2 min read

Some days you just need a little extra something. Maybe you can’t get motivated or you simply need to boost your energy

That’s where self-care comes in. Self-care doesn’t need to be a grandiose plan to visit a health retreat or book in with a life coach. Nor do you need to label your solo visits to the bathroom while the kids are sleeping as self-care.

Why is self-care important? It may give you a much-needed break to regain the headspace you need in your busy life. 

You don’t always have an hour to read a book or even 15 minutes to do a face mask. But there are some 5-minute self-care activities you could do to make a meaningful difference in your day. 

Here are five quick and easy ideas to inspire.

1. Turn off your phone

What kind of relationship do you have with your phone? Is it constantly buzzing with notifications? Or do you find yourself trapped in a mindless scroll?

Whatever the case for you, turn it off for five minutes and enjoy living the good ol’ days when you weren’t contactable 24/7. 

What do you do in those five minutes? Well, that’s up to you. You could try having some brain-healthy foods or pull out the mindfulness colouring books. Whatever you do, you may do it knowing that your phone isn’t going to ping, ring, beep or buzz. Bliss!


Get some of those things that are swirling around in your head onto paper.

2. Make a list

How good are lists? 

Let’s face it, five minutes really isn't a very long time. But sometimes the best self-care is to get some of those things that are swirling around in your head onto paper. And five minutes is absolutely long enough to do that.

You could make a list of different five-minute self-care activities you want to try the next time you have a few minutes to spare. Work smarter, not harder!

3. Stretch your body

It feels good to do some gentle movement and stretching

The results of a small research study indicate that doing a regular stretching program may help to improve neck function and quality of life for desk-based workers with chronic moderate-to-severe neck or shoulder pain.


Spending even five minutes doing something you love is good for the soul.

4. Do a five-minute meditation

If you’re looking for emotional self-care examples, meditation is a good one. According to research, meditation may help improve mental wellbeing.

You can find many free, five minute guided meditations online if you need some help. The great thing about meditation is that you really could do it anytime, anywhere even if you only have five minutes.  

5. Do something you love

Whether it’s dancing, singing or drawing, spending even five minutes doing something you love is good for the soul.

Forget about your new year's resolutions and doing everything in your weekly planner for just five minutes.

Make it work for you

You might have a lot going on. Sometimes, it can be hard to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Remember that self-care shouldn’t be another burden to add to your schedule, sometimes “letting go” and being gentle with yourself may be what your body needs. 


Reviewed by the healthylife Advisory Board January 2021.